
We’re Causing “Panic” on Team Abbott Right Now

Greg Abbott talks tough when he’s got an easy target. Kids, the elderly, women, and veterans. When it comes to appeasing the MAGA mob, Greg Abbott always knows just what to say. Mask mandates are tyranny! Your freedom is what matters! And of course… build the wall! He’s built his whole career on it. 

But Greg Abbott’s political ambitions and his cowardice are killing Texans. Over 60,000 Texans have died of COVID under his watch. Nearly four million COVID cases in Texas alone. Hospitals are overrun.

So we called Greg Abbott out on building a very different kind of wall. 

What happens when someone challenges him? What happens when the tables are turned? We just found out. Our new ad is already causing chaos in his inner circle. Multiple sources in Texas have informed us that his campaign and people inside the Governor’s office are panicking. And it shows.

Our ad was supposed to air in Texas during the Longhorns game this weekend. But then, 10 minutes before kickoff, we were informed the ad would not run and it was a “University-made decision.”

How do you think that happened? Who told the network not to run the ad? We can guess, but we’re sure going to find out.

Abbott doesn’t want anyone seeing the true facts about just how many Texans have died because he’s too much of a coward to stand up to the MAGA mob and do his job. (And he’s already fundraised attacking us for telling the truth.)

I know we’ve asked a lot of you this year already. We’ve talked a lot about the “fight” we’re in. Well, this is it. We are taking it to Greg Abbott right now and we aren’t going to let up. Contribute now and help us make sure every Texan sees what Greg Abbott is scared of: the truth.

Many of you have asked “what is the Lincoln Project going to do” or “how are you actually spending our hard-earned contributions?”

With your help, we are going to run this ad everywhere in Texas. Abbott’s approval ratings are already slipping. What do you think is going to happen when Texans realize just how bad he’s let things get?

If he’s too cowardly to face the truth and so scared of the ad that he blocked it from airing, well, it’s time to pour some gas on that fire. Block us on TV? We’ll put it on Facebook and YouTube and digital where voters are paying attention. With your help, we’ll air it in every major market in the state.

The truth will come out, folks. It’s on us to make it happen.

-Reed Galen, Rick Wilson, & The Lincoln Project[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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