Trump is Going to Hate This

We’re still laughing about Trump’s pathetic attempt to lash out at us during his CPAC speech. It’s more proof to show that what we’re doing is working. We’re getting under Trump’s skin, and we’re the only political organization out there doing it.

But we’re not stopping. We built a real estate empire inside Trump’s head, and we’re in the business of expanding it.

That’s why today we’re unleashing our millions-strong pro-democracy army to take it to Trump on social media. Want to help us do it? 

Imagine, Trump, sitting on some Mar-A-Lago sofa, gilded T.V. remote in one hand, Big Mac in the other, and suddenly, he’s overcome with Twitter notifications (you know he still keeps those on). The message is this:

“.@ProjectLincoln is in your head @realDonaldTrump. And we’re gonna stay there until you lose the White House, AGAIN.”

What’s Trump gonna do? Lash out at us again? Log back on Twitter to respond? It’ll at least make his blood boil, that’s for sure.

We’ve already got the message written out for you. Just click the button below and help us poke the old toddler in-chief.

-The Lincoln Project

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There is no time for complacency.

There is no time for living room activism. Every day must be spent asking ourselves if we’re doing our part, if we’re doing enough to ensure that the grand idea called America continues.

Thank you for joining us in this fight.