This Ad Made Trump So Mad

The biggest embarrassment of McCarthy’s career is happening on the House floor. Just like you, we’re watching with glee. 

But today, our message is about Trump.  

You’ve probably seen him in New York facing his $250 million civil fraud trial. Bank fraud, insurance fraud, and it looks like his scam empire is finally being ripped from his tiny hands. 

Trump’s broke. 

You’ve seen all the news about it. But you probably haven’t seen the ad we made. It’s because this one was just for our favorite audience member. It played in front of him as he left the courtroom. And we got word that someone had to restrain him from “Truthing” about it. 

Check out the ad that made Trump so mad >>

Sitting in a courtroom all day,  watching his fraud exposed, is definitely making Trump grumpy. So, inevitably, he’s headed to Mar-a-Lago later this week. 

Our ad will be waiting for him there, bouncing off the gilded walls and into the brains of Trump and all his MAGA sycophants. 

We wonder if anyone will be there to restrain him. Could we get the biggest temper tantrum yet? Will he Truth at us from his gold toilet? 

Remember, when Trump’s mad and he’s off his game, democracy wins. 

Our words live in Trump’s head. Help us keep them there. 


-The Lincoln Project

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