The Group Working To Give Trump The White House


I’ll let these two quotes say everything you need to know about a new third-party group:

“No Labels’ attacks are the kind of division the country needs less of right now, and it’s a betrayal of every moderate and every problem solver in Congress.”

“No Labels is wasting time, energy, and money on a bizarre effort that confuses and divides voters, and has one obvious outcome — reelecting Donald Trump as President”

Who do you think those quotes are from?

You might guess they’re from us. It’s a good guess. We agree with them 100%. But no – they’re from Democrats Brad Schneider and Abigail Spanberger, two Members of Congress from very tight swing districts.

Every House Democrat is united in agreeing with them that No Labels is going to elect Donald Trump. Do you know how hard it is to get every member of a party to agree to something? That should tell you something.

What was No Labels’ response? They doubled down and started campaigning AGAINST Brad Schneider in his district.

That’s everything you need to know about what No Labels is trying to do. Harlan Crow – Clarence Thomas’ sugar daddy – is one of their big donors. Connect the dots.

No Labels is already on the ballot in Arizona. They’re targeting every swing state. Joe Biden won in 2020 by about 70,000 votes across three swing states. A few tenths of a percentage point in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin kept Donald Trump from winning a second term. Those percentage points were made up of what we call Bannon Line voters – the voters that were so sick of Trump and ultra-MAGA that they just needed a nudge to leave the GOP for good. We did that. Joe Biden won.

Does creating a third party and peeling votes off of Joe Biden amid such tight margins make any sense? Trump won in 2016 because people lacked the imagination to see just how far the ultra-MAGA movement would go. Now you can see what they’re trying to do.

The only way to beat Trump and the authoritarian ultra-MAGA movement he leads is to re-elect President Biden. Look how Biden is running his campaign. Talking about reclaiming freedom and protecting people from government overreach. These are really smart messages that will appeal to exactly who he needs to win over.

Our job at The Lincoln Project – and the task for all of us in the pro-democracy movement –  is to give President Biden air cover. Not split the vote. We know exactly who we have to target to reinforce the pro-democracy message. We did it in 2020 and we won 17 races with it in 2022.

Every House Democrat sees through the facade and agrees No Labels is a threat to democracy. We aren’t fooled, either. Democracy shouldn’t have to fight a two-front war.

Our sole mission in 2024 is to stop Trump and ultra-MAGA. No games. No BS. You’ll always know where we stand. If you’re ready to recommit to the pro-democracy movement we’ve helped spearhead, there’s never been a better time.

