The Fox Bombshell and Our Work in 2024

What’d we learn about Fox News this past week? We got shocking evidence proving they knowingly spread misinformation about the 2020 election. We saw some embarrassing texts from Tucker Carlson admitting he despises Donald Trump (who knew we had something in common with Fox’s propagandist-in-chief?)

But everything the world learned about Fox was merely confirmation of what we’ve always known.

They only care about profit. Lies mean nothing to every last one of them. They’re going to keep lying for Trump until our democracy burns to the ground. 

Tucker is proving it again by rewriting the truth about the January 6th insurrection. His true belief about Trump (hates him) and the 2020 election (not really stolen) is public, for all Trump’s supporters to see. But he’s still doubling down on the lie and making up a narrative that will keep his viewership up and the money flowing through the door.

Dominion can win this lawsuit and Tucker can be forced to tattoo “the Big Lie was a hoax!” on his smugly wrinkled forehead and he’ll still be the leading mouthpiece of the MAGA movement. No one will hold him truly accountable.

Our job is to break through the noise and find the converts. But more importantly, our job in 2024 is to take our bigger pro-democracy coalition and beat them. 

So let’s take a step back and see the whole picture. While Fox was getting publicly exposed in court, ultra-MAGA was rallying together at CPAC. Why did the two events co-exist? Why have we not seen an internal reckoning for this exposure? Because in the made-up world of MAGA-land, there’s no such thing as the truth.

Instead, CPAC boosted some of Tucker’s favorite election deniers and resurrected old demons we vanquished in 2022.

Remember Kari Lake? She was there, gunning for Trump’s VP spot. Just no.

That’s not the only insurrectionist who’s made the news. Remember Doug Mastriano? He’s supposedly praying on another run for the U.S. Senate. That’s B.S. speak for talking to donors and trying to raise money. Blake Masters is doing the same thing right now, too.

And we all know Trump’s lane for a primary win is as clear as ever. His biggest opponent is us. (How do we know? He uhh… admitted it).

The point being, MAGA 2024 is coalescing together. The Fox News bombshell is important, a critical document in our war against their misinformation machine. But it’s not going to change the 2024 cycle. The lie is too strong.

Trump will still win the nomination. His selected sycophants will run for seats below him. Tucker and Fox will still lie and boost all of them (while presumably laughing at their viewers from their offices in New York City).

Once again it is up to us to unite the pro-democracy movement to cut through the noise and reach the voters who will beat them.

Will you support that mission? Our work has already started and your support is as important as ever.

-Reed, Rick, Joe, and Stuart

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