The Debate Isn’t What Matters

The GOP debate last night didn’t matter. Sure, we had some laughs watching the MAGA bunch squabble and push their party further into conspiratorial and unelectable policy positions (You better believe we’ll be reminding swing voters of the GOP’s plan to take away their health care and bomb our Southern neighbors). 

But it really didn’t matter. What matters right now is that Trump and his far-right extremists in the House are holding our government hostage. 

That’s the message. 

  • 420,000 federal employees will continue to work without pay, including FBI agents, border patrol agents, and firefighters (don’t let MAGA tell you they care about border security and law and order). 
  • Military members will stop being paid while they continue to serve our country. 
  • 40 million Americans will have reduced access to food stamps. 

We don’t know how long this shutdown will last. But we do know that millions of Americans will suffer and hundreds of thousands of federal workers will be furloughed or forced to work without pay. 

Those are just the toplines. And voters need to know who to blame: MAGA. 

The debate last night might be grabbing the media’s attention right now, but we’re crafting a longer narrative about Trump and the party that he controls. It’s a narrative that will build into the 2024 election. And it’s a message that we know how to communicate. 

They’re cruel and they don’t care about governing this country. Every persuadable voter needs to know that fact. Can you help our effort to tell voters the truth?


-The Lincoln Project

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There is no time for complacency.

There is no time for living room activism. Every day must be spent asking ourselves if we’re doing our part, if we’re doing enough to ensure that the grand idea called America continues.

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