Our Biggest Ad of the Year: American Story

Our biggest ad of the year has just officially dropped. 

It’s called American Story. 

American Story is about a President who led the most successful economic comeback in the world. It’s about a compassionate leader who made America respected on the world stage again. It’s about a man who has used his years of public service to develop the wisdom and toughness to continue to guide our great nation. 

It’s a story about the work President Biden has done for our country. And it is exactly the message we need to build the coalition to beat Donald Trump.

Now, we’ll let the ad speak for itself >>

Right now, we’re running this ad to swing voters in Wisconsin. Why did we choose to drop it there first? 

Remember the lesson: it’s not just about the message, but about who sees it. All of our early data shows that Wisconsin is once again on track to be a critical battleground state in 2024.

Last time, President Biden won Wisconsin by fewer people than are seeing this ad right now. It’s going to be a tight race again, and defining the message early is going to help win it again.

That’s why we’re asking you to pitch in and help support our biggest ad campaign of the year. It’s our opening message for re-electing President Biden. And the more resources we have, the longer we can keep it on air in front of the voters who need to see it the most.


-The Lincoln Project

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There is no time for complacency.

There is no time for living room activism. Every day must be spent asking ourselves if we’re doing our part, if we’re doing enough to ensure that the grand idea called America continues.

Thank you for joining us in this fight.