
Here’s What We’re Telling Virginia… and The Ad that Pushed Trump Over The Edge. 

Biden, Obama, Pence, Cruz… all of the Big Guns are wading into Virginia. Noticeably absent? The Big Gun behind the Big Lie… Trump himself. 

Why? Because though he’s been banned from Youngkin rallies, Trump is actually what the Virginia election is all about. Glenn Youngkin is playing a snake in the grass… hiding his Trump ties, masquerading as a moderate good-ole-boy for Virginia voters while performing dutiful sycophant at private Bedminster fundraisers.

So what are we doing about it? Showing Virginia voters who Glenn Youngkin really is, thanks to your support. 

Shockingly, Trump hasn’t responded well to being forced out of the spotlight. And we were supposed to let this opportunity go by?

Here’s our ad that finally embarrassed Trump over the edge:

We’re truth-tellers. We’re showing Virginia the truth about Glenn Youngkin and Trump the hard truth about himself: he’s a loser. And as long as we have something to say about it, losing is contagious.

We never sit on the sidelines. But in this case, we’re right in the heat of things – and it’s turning heads, especially Trump’s. There may be many imitators, but no one does it better than us. So thank you. Because we can’t do it without your support. 

– Rick Galen[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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