Don’t Despair Over the Fox Settlement, Get Ready to Fight

Kevin McCarthy and his army of mendacious minions have held the House for a couple months now, and their biggest priority is this: destroying the economy. 

They’re holding the U.S. debt ceiling hostage and risking unprecedented collateral damage across the world for the sake of a purely ideological victory in the House.

But here’s the problem. Everyone is missing the point. What the coverage in the media is missing is that the ultra-MAGA GOP wants the economy to fail. They want America to fail. All in their quest to seize power.

McCarthy’s legislation isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. The MAGA leaders in Washington are completely unserious people. We need to do everything in our power to keep them out of the majority for good. 

When the MAGA GOP complains about fiscal responsibility and federal debt, ask yourself: where was all this controversy when Trump was in office? Did any of them care that Dear Leader racked up historic debt for the sake of lopsided tax cuts for his rich friends?

You know the answer. This is just part of the outrage machine that Trump and his MAGA counterparts love to generate. They’re upset that President Biden was able to pass several historic pieces of legislation investing in America and has unemployment at a fifty-year low. So now they’re throwing a huge temper tantrum.

The only thing this proves is how dangerous and un-American the whole movement has become. Their political temper tantrum could throw the global economic system into collapse. But they don’t care. For them, it’s more chaos the better. As long as their base is outraged and gobbling up their daily diet of lies, they know they’re political teflon.

And the worst part is that they’re right. MAGA has successfully created such an insular conspiratorial political movement, that they can completely cripple our global economy, ruin their supporters’ livelihoods, and still count on their support at the ballot box.

Read that again and understand that the MAGA machine is as dangerous and potent as ever. 

But once again, the lesson is this. We’re still bigger than them. Our message is still more effective than theirs. And this battle is still ours to win. We just need the sustained support to fight it.

-Rick, Reed, Stuart, Joe, and The Lincoln Project Team

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