Children Voice Trump’s Lies in Dystopian New Ad 

October 24, 2024 —
In a new ad released by The Lincoln Project, elementary-aged children voice over real lies and insults made by Donald Trump. The result is a jarring portrait of how Trump’s rhetoric is impressing upon future generations of Americans. 

Watch “The Future” here: 

“Trump’s racism, xenophobia, and sexism is on full display every time a family turns on the TV,” said Ryan Wiggins, Lincoln Project Chief of Staff. She continued, “Hate is taught and Trump is a damaging example to young children. The policies he wants to enact are full of hate and will destroy the fabric of the nation. Our children will not inherit the America of the last 250 years, but the America Trump remakes in his own image. This nightmare must be ended once and for all. Vote early. Vote by mail. VOTE!” 

The Lincoln Project is a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy.

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