Attempting to Decode the George Santos Fiasco

Yep, it’s time to talk about that guy.

George Santos.

George Devolder.

Anthony Devolder.

Whatever name he’s calling himself nowadays.

We know he’s a crook; a pathological liar. A dog killer (not the first time we’ve used that to describe a member of ultra-MAGA, gross.)

Santos shouldn’t be anywhere near the people’s house. And yes, he deserves to be removed from office faster than Trump’s hair on a breezy day. But it’s important to remember: George Santos is a symptom of the GOP’s wasting disease – the larger rot that isn’t going away anytime soon.

A morally-bankrupt man was able to game the system of a morally-bankrupt party. No one should be surprised. It’s Trump 101. Same playbook, different player.

And the fact that Santos’ House GOP colleagues remain largely silent, even placing him on committees, prove the point all the more.

Matt Gaetz excused the fraud saying all politicians embellish their resumes (we know what else Gaetz is lying about). Kevin McCarthy would sit a scarecrow on the House floor if it could raise a straw hand to cut health insurance for elderly. And it even looks like Marjorie Taylor Greene found a new best friend! (sorry, Lauren, but not sorry)

Ultra-MAGA Republicans don’t believe in democracy. They don’t believe in the truth. They don’t believe in integrity. And as long as they are in power, they will continue to allow candidates like Santos to flood through their recruitment pipeline and muddy our democratic institutions.

It won’t stop at the House. What type of people do you think Steve Bannon has lined up in his “shock troops” to take over our executive agencies, should the GOP take the Presidency in 2024?

George Santos is not an outlier. 

In the politics of ultra-MAGA, he is the new norm. And until we defeat the entire movement, morally-bankrupt Russian-tied frauds just like him will continue to walk the halls of the House. 

-The Lincoln Project

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