The New Trump Narrative
Over the past couple months, a new media discourse has begun to take hold. This should all sound pretty familiar by now.
“Donald Trump’s influence is waning.”
“His control over the Republican Party is over.”
“It’s time to move on.”
We’ve heard it all before. But Donald Trump’s influence is not waning, he’s only getting started. Need proof? Just look at the debacle in the House. Donald Trump played puppeteer for the entire chaotic GOP caucus. Lawmakers phoned in his support from the House floor. And he eventually forced his ultra-MAGA allies into flipping their votes. That’s why Kevin McCarthy paid such gracious homage to the Dear Leader after he finally completed his desperate attempt for Speaker.
It’s still a choice between Donald Trump and America. Always has been. And it always will be. Until we defeat him once and for all.
-The Lincoln Project