Elections have consequences. Your decisions will too.

November 3, 2020—On Election Day, The Lincoln Project is today releasing a series of state-based videos reminding voters that the fight isn’t over yet.

One such video aimed at Michigan reminds residents of the Great Lakes State that local officials including Representatives John Moolenaar, Fred Upton, Paul Mitchell, and Judges Elizabeth Clement and David Viviano, among others, will face consequences for supporting Donald Trump’s tyrannical administration.


“Michigan is going to be instrumental in deciding the leadership of our nation for the next four years,” said Reed Galen, co-founder of The Lincoln Project. “But it doesn’t end there. Elected officials in Michigan who have supported Trump’s abuse, let his racism and bigotry slide, and turned a blind eye to the suffering his administration’s failure to manage COVID-19 has caused will be held accountable. We’re making sure of it.”

Over 2.6 million ballots have already been cast in the state of Michigan. With every vote comes another nail in the coffin of Donald Trump’s presidency.

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There is no time for living room activism. Every day must be spent asking ourselves if we’re doing our part, if we’re doing enough to ensure that the grand idea called America continues.

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